On trying to build the pages that would contain the media components I cannot publish the left side image. Everything is ok with the media-body and the text, but for the “media-object” I get this message instead of the image:
Warning: DOMDocument::saveHTML() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in C:\Users\Miguel\Desktop\InstantWP_4.5\iwpserver\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\bootstrap-3-shortcodes\bootstrap-shortcodes.php on line 2146
Does anybody know what this means and how to go over it?
Tnaks in advance
The Bootstrap Shortcodes plugin requires at least PHP version 5.3.6. If you are seeing that error it means you are using an older version.
Thank you very Much Daniel.
I was using a local installation (Instant WP) and its PHP version is 5.3.2.
All the best