Minimatica style "cascading" into wp-admin/index.php

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  • #3468

    I’m on a network installation and have a few themes in use within the network. I’ve noticed that the Minimatica theme is influencing the initial dashboard page in the admin panel by it’s CSS styles. I noticed this after the last WordPress upgrade but it may have been an issue before that. Has anyone else had this situation?

    I’m digging at it from my end and will reply if I find anything. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


    I have the same issue since update to wordpress 3.3 just on index.php. I’m not working on a network installation. List are with disc, table have border and recent comments form the admin are the same as mimimatica’s comments.
    I think could come from the enqueue_style way. I’ll look deeper in the codex.
    Let me know if you find something.


    Ok I got it. Just edit your functions.php and replace wp_print_styles by wp_enqueue_scripts in the function minimatica_enqueue_styles() add_action().

    Found it there :

    Looks better now.
    Enjoy WordPress and Mimimatica


    After reading the background related to this fix, it looks like developers have pushed the formal fix down the road and altered the status to a lower urgency, understandably.

    The fix mentioned in the above link worked in my case, however, I created a child functions.php which consists of only the “fix” in addition to the change in the parent function. I would like to be able to “override” the original parent function instead of mirroring it, in order to preserve the original parent functions.php. Being that I am a student when it comes to php and how it is used by wordpress, this is a good lesson for me but any pointers would be appreciated.

    BTW, thanks wasicu for your help!

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by steadwell.
    ramon fincken

    I wrote another solution a week ago:

    It disables the stylesheet loading while in admin (is_admin())


    @ Ramon : Yes, it’s good if the next mimimatica version would not care about wp_print_styles() but to use it in a safe way, you have to use a child theme or ? If not, your functions.php would be overwrited with an theme update. (Like my solution without chidtheme for sure)

    ramon fincken

    Indeed, if that is not taken care of , you should try to create a functional plugin which disables the loading on init.


    I’ve got both of your fixes in place as a precaution in the original functions.php gets over-laid.

    The problem is fixed for me, for now anyway.

    Thanks wasicu and @Ramon for your input!

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