Missing configurations and sugestions

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  • #7793

    Hi, first of all, this theme is awsome.

    I’m changing some color configurations and I noticed some issues:

    – We can change the link color, but the links in the post arent affected by this (Author, Date, etc…) .

    – We cant change the Link hover color of the Post Title in the Posts page.

    – We can change the colors of the Menu, but not the submenus.

    – You should create a place to include a user defined Media Social Link, whit instructions of how create the image.

    Thats all for now.

    My website is still work in progress, but if you want to take a look.



    I remenber one more thing regarding translation in the POT file:

    – We dont have an option to translate the “Search this website” from searchform.php line 2.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by asantanna.
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