Participant1) I write travel blogs based on my trips, and what I do is tag the category based on the country. So when you display the category in the footer and you click on it, it brings you to page 1 of the category. The problem is that I write my blogs in order of start to finish in terms of the trip. So my issue is that page 1 is the last day of my trip working back towards the beginning of the trip.
Is it possible to switch the post order so that the first page is actually the first post, rather than the last?
2) How easily could I create a page that shows up in the footer called “photos” where I upload galleries based on a country and display them as folders on a single page, so that people can click on the photos from the countries they wish to see?
3) I love that it’s minimalistic, but it’s also lacking a bit of navigation in that you have to go through each slider page to find the article you want to read about. Is there not a better way to set this up so you can find the one you want and go straight to it? Thanks!
Participant4)How can I make the site title bold
5)How can I change the header color (from white to blue)
6)How can I change the body color (from black to green)Also, let me clarify #2. What I wish to do is create a page for my photos. There would be a few columns and rows of thumbnails based on each country I’ve traveled to. When you click on the thumbnail of a particular country, it would take you to the child page thumbnails which correspond to the different places in each country. Clicking on one of those thumbnails would take you to thumbnails of all the photos from that place. Is this possible without some sort of plugin, because what I see right now is creating a page with a gallery type, but then it wouldn’t be very nice like how I am trying to design it. Thanks!
Daniel Tara
Keymaster1. In function.php under the function
add the following parameter:$query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );
2. Maybe NextGEN Gallery can help you with that.
3. A top menu is all that’s planned navigation-wise in the next version, better proposals are welcome.
4. Add the following ruls to style.css:
#site-title { font-weight:bold; }
5. Under Appearance > Header
6. Under Appearance > Background
Tagged: categories, footer, help, navigation, Tagging
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