Firstly, thanks for this amazing theme.
I wanted to post a question and ask what am I doing wrong because my multicolumn rich content is horizontally unevenly placed.
I inserted the code as such:
[column md="2"] [/column] [column md="3"] <a href="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/AAA-logo-2014-FI.gif"><img class=" wp-image-173 aligncenter" src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/AAA-logo-2014-FI.gif" alt="AAA-logo-2014-FI" width="218" height="140" /></a> <p style="text-align: center;">Novumilla on korkein mahdollinen luottoluokitus. Toimintamme on siten vakavaraista, ja asiakassuhteemme ovat pitkäikäisiä.</p> [/column] [column md="2"] [/column] [column md="3"] <a href="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Menestyja_Merkki_2013_lev_170px.gif"><img class=" wp-image-174 aligncenter" src="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Menestyja_Merkki_2013_lev_170px.gif" alt="Menestyja_Merkki_2013_lev_170px" width="134" height="140" /></a> <p style="text-align: center;">Novum on saanut Kauppalehden arvostetun "Menestyjä Yritys" merkin jo kolme vuotta peräkkäin. Olemme vakuutusmeklarialan uranuurtajia, ja tavoittelemme aina parempaa huomista.</p> [/column] [column md="2"] [/column]
Now, I know with these columns my solution is probably not recommended, but I wanted the two items to have a bit of space in between them so I created 2/12 of a empty space there this way. But that’s besides the point. The two images I’ve inserted are different size (I resized them to both be the same height 140). Anyway, both before and after my resize, and my column workaround, the images are horizontally uneven. The first image is at least two centimeters higher than the second one. How can I get the images to be at the same level?
Also, that custom query page has a pretty hefty margins of many centimeters, taking up a fair amount of screen real estate. Can I perhaps make the margins a bit smaller in that “sidebar header secondary” section?
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