Not displaying on mobile/tablets

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  • #14346

    Hi. I set up using pinboard. I used the layout system to create multiple columns etc. and embedded a slideshow in the top of the main content area on the static home/welcome page.

    The native mobile/responsive selectors don’t seem to be working for Pinboard, and I’ve also tried WP Mobile Pack and Mobile Detector with no results. I have chosen for settings in layout of the Pinboard theme options ‘hide sidebar on mobile devices’ and have tried the alternative but all I get is a fractional view of the front page that is unreadable. I also tried turning off slideshows/scripts etc. in WordPress Mobile Pack with no change in the display.

    Do I have to use a separate service for this site like Or can this theme and my design be used with plugins and the pinboard theme?

    Daniel Tara

    The theme works natively on mobile, no plugins like WP Mobile Pack are required, try disabling them.


    Hi – I only installed them because the theme broke without them. I have a sidebar, main body area with three columns and a slideshow at the top of the front page post area. No changes of any settings (sidebars on or off, hide footer widgets) had any effect on the display. It was so bad I had to take out the viewport call in the header. The site is live and people are trying to access it on mobile devices; at least now they can pinch & zoom. I would love to provide access off the forum to someone to take a look at it; I don’t have time today to create a dummy version of the site for testing purposes. I can be contacted at webmaster (at)

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