Overview all Posts?

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  • #3673

    Hi there!

    Love your theme and have allready found out (thanks to this forum) how to fix the design to my wishes.

    But there is one question left:

    How can I manage it that the visitor gets a overview for all posts I have done?
    Right now I have to categorys: ‘Photos’ and ‘Clips’.
    Every post/article I made became a new ‘picture’ in the slider and can be viewed/read by clicking the silider-picture.
    But I want to have in the menu a topic called ‘photos’ were a list of all my posts/articles will show up.

    I found it right here at this website: http://www.janjaapvanassen.com/
    There is a menu-topic called photography. There can be find a list of all the articles/posts the author did.

    How to do so?

    2. I would like to have something like ‘News’ showing up at the home-page right under the menu.

    here you can see what I have done so far:
    projektname-positiv (dot) de

    Daniel Tara

    The user you are pointing to is using simple categories to showcase content. If you want to have a separate section where you can display all of you’re posts, you’ll have to use a static front page and list the posts archive on a secondary page.

    If you also want the post slider, you’ll have to make a front page template with the slider. (Basically duplicate home.php and name it front-page.php)


    Hi Daniel.

    Thank you for answering that fast – didn’t expect that!

    Maybe my english is to bad or there is some basic point in wp or your theme I didn’t get yet.

    Now I will ask again.
    Thats what I did untill now:

    – Created a menu with my categories (‘photography’ and ‘moving pictures’) and my static pages (‘About’ and ‘Impressum’)
    – Posted as many articles I want and link them to the categories
    –>Articles are only part of the slider

    I think I just don’t know what you mean with: “…the user is using simple categories to showcase content…”

    Maybe you could tell me how he did manage it, that when I click in his menu at ‘photography’ I get a list of all his articles within this category?

    And sorry for asking again a maybe idiot-question.
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by Adamus.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by Adamus.

    I found the answer – here for everyone else: (and it is sooo easy!)

    To change the view go to: Design–>Theme Options
    Here one can choose between ‘Gallery’ or ‘Blog’.
    Gallery brings the normal ‘slider-view’, Blog the ‘list-view’

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