Posts lose formatting on front page

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  • #15536

    Hi! So I wanted to change posts from excerpt to full and so I did a search on this forum and saw how to do it.

    I was pretty happy when I saw that it worked.

    But that has created a new problem. The post on the front page loses all formatting. However, when I preview the post, the formatting is just fine. Go to the front page of the blog, no formatting.

    I am wondering how, if it is possible, to fix this.

    The website is:

    Thanks for any help you can offer.


    OK – so I put in <br> by hand in the post to get the paragraph formatting back. Unfortunately, the owner of this site is not technically proficient in ANY way, which is why we were going with a Word Press site. I know it sounds awful, but I don’t know that he will be able to manage this if he has to do anything with any type of code.

    Any thoughts?

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