Being my first post, please let me congratulate you for creating this wonderful theme! It is what I needed for a website I took over to administrate.
I have a problem, I am not sure if it is a theme problem, but I thought I should seek for help here. When I upload a bigger image (let’s say 1280x1024px), the image is uploaded, but the thumbnail in media library is not created. I can see the image if I click on the title, but if I want to edit it, I don’t have the resizing options. It says the data for the image is missing. If I want to insert the specific image into a post, it uploads it with a height and width of 1px. If I change these 2, the image shows in my post. I tried to regenerate thumbnails with some plugins, but it doesn’t help, I get an error.
Can you please help, and tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
You probably have a permissions issue on your server. Try changing permissions to the wp-uploads folder to 777 and apply it to subdirectories.
Unfortunately, it’s not a permission thing, I changed it but it does the same…
Check what thumbnail size you have in Settings > Media, although since it says image data is missing I assume it’s either because server permissions or a plugin incorrectly handling upload filters.
I guess it was a plugin’s fault after all. Thanks for your help!