Hi, i updated the theme in my website but i don’t know why i don’t see the SLIDER on top. http://www.spiderviaggi.it/
The Template is like “Portfolio”.
I miss any option to active?
Thanks for your support.
The portfolio template does not show the slider. If you’d like it to display, open the template-portfolio-*.php file that you are using and under <?php get_header(); ?>
insert the following:
<?php if( pinboard_get_option( 'location' ) ) : ?>
<?php pinboard_current_location(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Idieally this template should be copied inside your child theme.
Hi… how i can put three columns in this page http://www.spiderviaggi.it/ like thishttp://demo.onedesigns.com/pinboard/ where the thumbs are in two columns?
is it possible decide how many columns the content must be see?
Always with the slider on top.
Thanks a lot.
Under Theme Options → Layout set the option “Content Columns” to 3. That is actually the default value.