Removing article-info and the pages section

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  • #17602

    I am working for a friend who’s starting a social enterprise (a lunchroom where mentally challenged people will find work).

    The pages should be as clean as possible. I am having difficulty with a part of this. For example, look at

    As you can see, these articles have a few things which are not required:

    Written by admin
    on februari 20, 2014
    Filed under Reserveren en-Contact

    adds nothing to the page, and should be removed.

    Also, on the right, there is a list of pages. He does not want this there (nor on other pages). Where and how do I remove this section?

    I’ve been digging through the CSS files, been looking at the index.php (where I managed to find the comment area which he wanted out as well), but these two, I can’t find. I even downloaded the whole thing to my desktop and ran a search on files containing “written by”, but I didn’t manage to find it.

    Much appreciation for your help.

    Daniel Tara

    You can find them in each content-*.php file, the code looks like this:

    ' ); ?>

Thank you, this does indeed remove the meta-info.

Could you also tell me where the list of pages (currently on the right side) is coded?

It is currently visible on the right, and needs to be removed.


PS: I do want to keep the search-field visible somewhere.

Daniel Tara

You can find them in sidebar.php. There’s also a footer sidebar where you can add your search form.


I am trying to achieve the same goal regarding the meta data information being unnecessary on the page for my site, but after removing the specified section from each txt file over FTP, the


Is still there. When I tried to remove the specified section from each content.php etc file through my WordPress Admin page:

<aside class=”entry-meta”>

  • < ?php _e( ‘Written by’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> < ?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
  • < ?php _e( ‘on’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> <time datetime=”<?php the_time( ‘Y-m-d’ ); ?>”>< ?php the_time( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) ); ?></time>
  • < ?php _e( ‘Filed under’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> < ?php the_category( ‘, ‘ ); ?>
  • < ?php edit_post_link( __( ‘Edit’, ‘minimatica’ ), ‘

  • ‘, ” ); ?>

< ?php the_tags( ‘<div class=”entry-tags”>’, ‘ ‘, ” ); ?>
</aside><!– .entry-meta –>

I receive an error – my site loads and there is an error message (theme intact) with the post title saying page not found. Under that, in small text: The content you were looking for could not be found.

I am using Minimatica with everything up to date.

I was successfully able to remove the comments feature by using the Editor through the WordPress website directly.

I know this seems like a basic thing but I have been working to resolve this on my own for hours and would appreciate any ideas.


I’ve managed to remove all the sidebar, but how do I re-add just the search bar? Or how do you remove all the text such as recent posts, meta etc. and just have my menu placed there, like from the bottom.


Found out how, I’ve changed the widget screen

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