I’m trying to remove all of the info that gets displayed under each post such as:
Comments are closed.
Posted by geroido
on May 26, 2011
Filed under experienceCan anyone help me to remove this info as I just want the post title and post text without the associated details?
ParticipantPlus 1 on this…I’ve been diving into the code but I just don’t know enough to make this happen
ParticipantThere is definately a way to do this but I also don’t know enough so here’s hoping someone replies soon.
Daniel Tara
KeymasterYou need to remove all elements with [code]class=”entry-meta”[/code]. Just search for them in all templates and remove them.
ParticipantHi Daniel
I have gone through all of the Template documents and found class=”entry-meta” referred to in several docs as follows:
content-audio.php, content-gallery.php, content-image.php, content-video.php, content.php, loop-attachment.php and loop.php.It is generally in the following form:
<aside class=”entry-meta”>- <?php _e( ‘Posted by’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
- <?php _e( ‘on’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> <time datetime=”<?php the_time( ‘Y-m-d’ ); ?>”><?php the_time( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) ); ?></time>
- <?php _e( ‘Filed under’, ‘minimatica’ ); ?> <?php the_category( ‘, ‘ ); ?>
<?php the_tags( ‘<div class=”entry-tags”>’, ‘ ‘, ‘</div>’ ); ?>
</aside><!– .entry-meta –>Is it this entry and all of it that I should remove from every location to prevent post details from displaying?
Thanks for the help
ParticipantHi Daniel
That worked a treat, thanks. All that stuff is gone now. However, there is still the ‘comments are closed’ statement at the bottom of each post page and I would like to remove that also. Any ideasJayFiveAlive
ParticipantTo get rid of comments, I went to the comments.php and deleted everything (so it’s just blank). Now comments are no where to be found on my pages, just like I wanted it hehe.
ParticipantTo get rid of the comments bit look for <?php comments_template(); ?> on the same pages.
Delete the line or just add a php comment /* like this:<?php /* comments_template(); */ ?>
ParticipantIs there a way to remove only the “by admin” but keep the post date? Because I think if I follow the instructions above, I’ll end up losing it all, yes?
ParticipantHi Daniel,
I’m trying to delete stuff on my blog/site such as “posted on February 13…:I tried to delete the following code, as shown in geroldo’s post:
(Are these all of the places I need to look for the code?) content-audio.php, content-gallery.php, content-image.php, content-video.php, content.php, loop-attachment.php and loop.php.
And do I delete from here:
<time datetime=””>
<?php the_tags( ‘’, ‘ ‘, ‘’ ); ?>
And ending here?
I have tried this, but when I update the theme in wordpress and check the “live view” my slider is completely out of wack. I’m hoping there is a recent update that I just missed…Many thanks in advance!!
ParticipantI’m surprised no one mentioned just adding “display:none;” to the CSS classes for the post details you want to remove… Haha. It works like a charm and is way way way easier.
Tagged: removing line under image, summary
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