Set homepage as only background and menu, without any site or post loaded

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  • #20194

    Hello, I would like to create a webpage so that on langing page you see only the background and menu on top, without any posts or sites.
    I created a little paint job to show what I need to have deleted.

    Can you please help me achieve this? I am using Enlightenment.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Qbz. Reason: Added paint
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Qbz.
    Daniel Tara

    You can achieve this by setting a static front page and in that page open the page builder and remove all functions except Site Branding and navigation. Also set the layout to “Full Width” and set all custom sidebars to [None].


    Thank you for your prompt answer, but this creates the exact opposite effect. It removes the background of the website and makes the “post” or “site” (I have tried both) fullscreen.

    I need to remove the part of the site marked red on above image.

    Daniel Tara

    Well, setting the page design to “Full Screen” does remove the background, that’s why it’s called full screen. You only need to remove the functions from the page builder, not change the page design.


    Well, when I remove the functions I’m left with blank rectangle, that is the sole reason I created this post – to remove this white rectangle, where under normal circumstances would be site content.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Qbz.
    Daniel Tara

    You need to add this to the custom CSS:

    .page-id-XX .site-content {
    	display: none;

    Replace XX with the ID of the page you are editing.


    That’s it! You made my day πŸ™‚

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