single php in enlightenment ?

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  • #20868

    Thank you so much for this wonderful theme. I love it and I’m not a technical person at all and managed to get the site up for the most part πŸ™‚

    I’m trying to add google adsense so the text ads will appear below the post title on my single post and I usually did that by pasting the code directly to the single.php file on other themes before I switched to enlightenment. I didn’t find the single.php. I’m pretty sure I’m missing something. I’m not a technical person at all and would appreciate if you can help me with this. Thank you so much

    Daniel Tara

    In enlightenment you can edit all templates with the template editor that you can find under Appearance > Theme Options > Templates or with the page builder inside any individual post. You can also assign custom sidebars for each template or post and add your adsense code there. You can’t insert widgets between post title and content though.



    I have exactly the same problem. I don’t find the “single.php” file. My purpose is displaying the content of ACF (Advanced Custom Field).

    Thank you for your help.


    Daniel as i can see you just came back, can you look at another (sidebar title and sidebar background, its all about if you edit one of the sidebar or background all the others reset to the default) problems please?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Antorinia.
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