Hey, guys!
Great theme. I am totally in love with it.
I have a question, though. Can I have the slider posts *not* show up with the “regular” posts? Like, I don’t want duplicates in two different formats in the same page. Does that make sense? And more importantly, is it possible?
Thank you!
I’m curious on this one too.
From the readme
“The slider displays sticky posts as featured. Mark the posts you wish to add to the slider as sticky and they will be added automatically. Note that this mode disables the normal post order with sticky posts on top and sticky posts will appear only in the slider. ”
Is that what you need to know?
I did read that on the readme, but that is not how it works (at least not in my install). If I set my latest post as sticky, it shows up both in the slider AND in the “regular posts” right underneath it.
Yes, works as designed, but it will slide down when you add more posts.
If you not want that, set an earlier publishing date to this specific post, than other posts will on top of it.
Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com