Support Guide

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  • #14844

    Is there a support guide for this theme? I’m asking because I feel bad for taking over the forum with so many questions if there is a guide I should be reading. I’m assuming there isn’t, but I want to make sure.


    Couldn’t agree more! It would be great if there was one, because there are several elements with this theme that are really hard to understand how they work. For instance, the instructions for the slider is just to mark the post as “sticky” but it doesn’t say how or where and it’s not blatantly obvious how to do it. I only found out how by going through the support forum.

    What the “boxes” are, I still have no idea, and the closest hint in the support forums is that “you need a plugin” for it to work. But which plugin, and what are boxes meant to actually do???

    So yeah. A basic how-to manual would be fab. πŸ™‚


    Yep, I still have no idea what the boxes are either and I found out how to use the slider from this forum too.


    I don’t have an answer for all your questions, but as for the boxes I can give you an answer:
    You must chose a pluggin if you want some boxes. (I had been searching a long time unless I read it sommewhere …)


    I think the boxes are just general areas you can put text in on your homepage.
    I tried putting my site’s pages in there, which went a bit dodgy. However when I just put some text in there (Text widget into the Boxes area) It simply made little areas with text in them inside the collumns where my posts are on the homepage.

    I guess you could use them as introductions to the posts below in the same collumn or something… Don’t really know what else to use them for..

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