Firstly, thanks Daniel for doing a great job on this theme. The updates have been great.
I’ve got a small issue with loading my site (www.artistic-touch.co.uk) in IE. When you load the homepage in IE, the paragraph of text scrolls off the edge of the page. It may not work straight away but after a couple of refreshes, the problem should be replicated. I ran Firebug and that section of text is class “entry-content”. The problem seems to disappear when I resize the window. Any ideas? Screenshot of problem below. Thanks.
Daniel TaraKeymasterTry adding this text to your custom styles:
.column.onecol { float: none; }
kingtutuParticipantAfraid no better. It’s strange – it happens every 5 or so refreshes and only in IE. I am running WordPress 4.2.2 with Pinboard 1.1.12 and if it helps, my custom style.css:
/* Removes search box */
#searchform {
}#site-title, #site-title img {
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
}/* Removes logo borders */
#site-title {
line-height: 0;
}/* Removes top border */
#header {
border-top: none;
}/* Removes link from slider */
#slider .entry-title a {
display: none;
}/* Removes border around main container – not entirely sure why this works with the comma */
#container, .onecol .hentry .entry {
margin: 0;
}Daniel TaraKeymasterI’m curious if you remove this last part if it still does that:
/* Removes border around main container – not entirely sure why this works with the comma */ #container, .onecol .hentry .entry { margin: 0; }
kingtutuParticipantHah I was too. Sadly no luck. The margin just appears around the container but the text still doesn’t wrap properly and goes over the margin.
Daniel TaraKeymasterI’m out of ideas and I don’t have IE on the computer I’m working on right now. What version of IE caused this issue?
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