Text going off screen – responsive layout issue?

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  • #21444

    Firstly, thanks Daniel for doing a great job on this theme. The updates have been great.

    I’ve got a small issue with loading my site (www.artistic-touch.co.uk) in IE. When you load the homepage in IE, the paragraph of text scrolls off the edge of the page. It may not work straight away but after a couple of refreshes, the problem should be replicated. I ran Firebug and that section of text is class “entry-content”. The problem seems to disappear when I resize the window. Any ideas? Screenshot of problem below. Thanks.

    Daniel Tara

    Try adding this text to your custom styles:

    .column.onecol {
    	float: none;

    Afraid no better. It’s strange – it happens every 5 or so refreshes and only in IE. I am running WordPress 4.2.2 with Pinboard 1.1.12 and if it helps, my custom style.css:

    /* Removes search box */
    #searchform {

    #site-title, #site-title img {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;

    /* Removes logo borders */
    #site-title {
    line-height: 0;

    /* Removes top border */
    #header {
    border-top: none;

    /* Removes link from slider */
    #slider .entry-title a {
    display: none;

    /* Removes border around main container – not entirely sure why this works with the comma */
    #container, .onecol .hentry .entry {
    margin: 0;

    Daniel Tara

    I’m curious if you remove this last part if it still does that:

    /* Removes border around main container – not entirely sure why this works with the comma */
    #container, .onecol .hentry .entry {
    margin: 0;

    Hah I was too. Sadly no luck. The margin just appears around the container but the text still doesn’t wrap properly and goes over the margin.

    Daniel Tara

    I’m out of ideas and I don’t have IE on the computer I’m working on right now. What version of IE caused this issue?

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