Hello and immediately apologize for the submission of text, do not know English.
I have a problem with this theme, I do not see thumbnails in articles on the homepage.
I wanted to, they were also on the home page and not only later in the article.I read already about the fact that something needs to be set, but I do not know.
Please help.Daniel TaraKeymasterHi,
I believe your plugins are based on the timthumb script, which is no longer supported. If you want to show the thumbnails further with the timthumb script, you could use [url=http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/cover-wp.1.6.1.zip?nostats=1]version 1.6.1[/url], which was the last one to support it.
If you want to keep the latest version, you could update the thumbnails to use the wordpress core function. To do this, go in edit post mode and set them under “Set Featured Image”.
KristyParticipantI am also trying to get my thumbnails to show and they aren’t working for me either. I have set a featured image in the first post (I just migrated from blogger) so perhaps that has something to do with it, but following the instructions it should work for the first post which does have the featured image. Thanks in advance for any help.
Daniel TaraKeymasterThere’s no reason this shouldn’t work. Make sure after you click on “Set Featured Image” and select the image, you also click on “Use as Featured Image”. It should also display it in that small box.
jedilost1ParticipantWhere do we find this “Use as Featured Image”? i don’t see it when setting featured thumbnail
jedilost1Participantok i figured it out
thumbnails only work for images that you’ve uploaded to the media libraryis there any chance for support for images from URLs?
Daniel TaraKeymasterFor security reasons, hotlinking images is not supported. The last version to support this was 1.6.1, you can download it [url=http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/cover-wp.1.6.1.zip?nostats=1]here[/url].
Daniel TaraKeymasterIt does with a trick:
It has a script called timthumb.php which can resize images from external sources. By default it is set to accept images only from the current domain and some exceptions, but if you open the file you can add any domain as exception.
As I also said before, this script, because of the nature of the code it uses, can present a big security hole in your website. Use it at your own risk.
sanjayrathParticipantEversince I upgraded the theme for http://srijagannath.org, the thumbnails do not show up on the frontpage. I believe the upgrade does not use timthumb script as this does not show up. Previously I did use timthumb. How do we get the thumbnail to showup as it did previously?
Daniel TaraKeymasterAll you can do is use [url=http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/download/cover-wp.1.6.1.zip?nostats=1]version 1.6.1[/url]
Tagged: thumbnails
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