Want excepts to reference description, not full post

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  • #4422

    Hello there,

    I have been playing around with this theme today in order to determine if I can use it for my site. There is one thing I need to edit that I’m not certain how to do it: I would love it if the Slider and the post excerpts would reference the Meta Description rather than the full post. This would give greater control over our web presence.

    So, how can I change it so the excerpts pull from the post description and NOT the full post? It seems like it would be an easy shift and perhaps I’m just missing something. Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Daniel Tara

    You can edit the excerpts manually. Under the post editor there’s a box for Excerpt; if you don’t see it open screen options in the upper – right hand corner and check the excerpt box.


    Thank you so much!


    Daniel, you are genius!

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