Thank you for the answer Daniel,
sorry, my bad, I posted wrong link. I was trying to follow the hook method described here, with the results I have mentioned before.
However, I was able to get the results replacing the loop, so for now the main issue is solved. Just for the sake of understanding, if it’s not too much trouble, maybe there is an easy answer to why the “hooks” don’t work? Obviously, I am hardly an expert on php and coding, so I’d appreciate any new information.
Here is what I am getting using the hooks: screenshot.
That tutorial explains how to convert a theme not natively supporting WooCommerce into a theme that supports it. Usually this requires a little more than just adding some hooks and since it’s a by-case situation it can’t be completely covered by a tutorial. WooCommerce should function pretty well with most themes by integrating in the existing template files even though no hook system is in place.
Thank you Daniel, appreciate your answers.