Youtube videos with black bars on top and bottom

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  • #16427
    Pablo R. Dinella


    when I put a youtube video address in a post, it is embedded on the post, but with some black bars on top and the bottom of the video.

    I didn’t found the height property to change, and want to eliminate that bars and keep the video size reponsive, just like this demo post:

    Could you help me?


    Daniel Tara

    The video probably doesn’t have 16:9 aspect ratio. The FitVids.js that this theme uses to make videos responsive requires that they have ratio of 16:9.

    Pablo R. Dinella

    It’s happening with every video…

    But I guess I solved it… By putting 16:9 dimensions in an embedded code and ?feature=oembed in the end of the src address (apparently it does need to start with http:// too).

    Like this:

    <iframe width=”16″ height=”9″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The &wmode=transparent is to define it to act like other html elements and do not go over other elements…

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