Menu didn’t work

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  • #23890
    Alain Granger

    Hello Daniel,

    I’am using EnlightenmentVersion : 1.1.4 from 3 years.
    Since two days, whithout change from me, my primary menu didn’t work. Only the menu with a sub menu.
    My site :

    Could you help me?

    Daniel Tara

    I checked your website and the navigation menu works well for me. Try clearing your cache or testing it in an incognito browser.

    Alain Granger

    Thank you Daniel,
    after your last message, I thinked that it did not come from the theme.
    I clean my site. I disabled some pluggin and the menu works.
    Thank you for your help.
    I have another question…. Can I post here ?

    Daniel Tara

    Sure, go ahead.

    Alain Granger

    I built my site with Enlightenment. My first page using sidebars and widget.
    I would like using the sidebars, like “footer” in other pages but it doesn’t work…
    How i can do?

    Daniel Tara

    You can reuse a sidebar in multiple locations by assigning them to sidebar locations, which in turn can be customized for each template. You can read more about it in these articles:

    Enlightenment Documentation: Understanding the Theme’s Sidebar Logic

    Enlightenment Documentation: Unlimited Sidebars Explained

    Alain Granger

    Hello Daniel,

    Thank you for your help. It made me search and find.
    I haven’t unchecked “Use default sidebar locations”.
    I feel a little stupid…

    But i have another question about the menu.
    When i create menu with sub menu like :

    praticien massage

    On the site I have

    praticien massage

    Is it possible that the “Formation” page will not be duplicated in the submenu? :+)

    Alain Granger

    Sorry the spaces have disappeared

    —-praticien massage

    On the site I have

    —-praticien massage

    Daniel Tara

    Yes. If you make the first-level menu item into a custom link with “#” as the URL it will no longer get duplicated.

    The reason it becomes duplicated is that dropdowns get triggered on click and not duplicating them would make them inaccessible.

    The next version of the theme will allow you to choose between triggering dropdowns on click, hover or with a separate toggle so links will no longer be duplicated.

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