Reply To: Audio bar has disappeared


Hello Daniel,

I absolutely adore the Pinboard theme and am using it for a new site. Thank you for creating it and making it available. πŸ™‚

Would you be able to help me please, as I’m having the same issue with the audio control not showing in the grid. It appears for a fraction of a second and then disappears and is replaced with this:

It happens in Firefox (V36), Chrome (V40) and IE (V11) on my Win7 Pro 64 PC and also on my Android V4.4 smartphone and tablet.

Is there an audio player or other plugin we should be using with WP?

I thought it might be a conflict of some sort so I did a fresh install of WordPress 4.1.1 in a new directory, installed Pinboard 1.1.12 and created an audio post with an embedded mp3. The audio control is not showing correctly. However, it plays the clip when I press the little grey bar under the words “Audio Player”.

Also, when I go into the post itself, I’m seeing two audio controls, both of which display OK (but look different) and play the clip OK.

You can see the issues on my test site:

I’ve spent three days looking through and tinkering with the code, but can’t figure it out. Would you be able to point me in the right direction, please?

Many thanks!