Reply To: An update on what happened during the past year


Hi Daniel,
As it seems your latest answer is almost directed to me, I’m also going to do my best not to turn this into a rant.
Everybody has personal issues, and many times we are forced to skip our own targets, especially when doing a non-commercial project.

But, as your very good theme has being distributed to many people during the last years, my believe is that we should at least receive an update from time to time about the status of the 2.0 development, even if just to say: “I’m sorry guys, but there will be delays…”.

This way we would at least know that we could expect it to be released somewhere in the future.

The way you have managed, disappearing even from your own forum, nobody could say if you were still working on any of the themes available here, or to be honest, if you were still alive…

Keep your good work, and please remember to say “Hi” sometimes…