Reply To: An update on what happened during the past year



Just to say this is a great theme (Enlightenment Theme). Daniel seems to be a victim of his own success.

He is quite right about people picking this up seriously then being frustrated by a lack of support. There is nothing to indicate that this is a hobbytheme not to be used for business purposes. Quite the opposite – the themes’ clean-cut design and the Onedesigns website entices us to think this will be fairly well supported and that there is more than just an individual person with their individual bank account behind the theme.

Like I said a victim of his own success.

That being said, I am sure every one of us would like to show support. One way we could do this, and also perhaps signal that this is a hobbytheme is if there were a call for donations – like a paypal button? I have not searched but there is none obvious.

Also, this is a good theme, why does he not commercialise this one rather than develop a new one (this is a suggestion not a question).

I really hope Daniel can get it all to hang together. Good vibes in his direction!