Adjusting the slider to display text more legibly

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  • #12383

    Hey Pinboardians,

    I’ve just started using this theme on my new project and I’m loving it; I really enjoy the slider on my landing page, but I’m keen to make a small adjustment to it to make it a little easier to read and navigate.

    Is it at all possible to adjust the slider via CSS so that it displays the text and navigation a little bolder, or can I adjust the level of transparency used underneath the text to make them stand out a bit more? Sorry, I’m a complete neophyte when it comes to these kinds of adjustments and I would rather now blow up the damned site in my lame attempts to figure it out myself.

    Rajesh Kannan MJ


    Edit the style.css for the

    #slider .entry-title a

    You can modify font-weight and background to get what you need.

    Best Regards,

    WordPress Themes

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