BUG: Pinboard Theme error in IE 7

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  • #11824

    I’ve got a problem using this theme in IE7. The theme does not display properly :
    1. the items in menu strip does not has a background color -> it is white
    2. the same happens with “Footer Widgets Background Color” the backgroiund color disapears and it is white

    could anybody help?
    I thought that I made something wrong but all website using this theme has the same problem….

    Daniel Tara

    IE7 is not and will not be supported, sorry.


    Kermit, I am possible experiencing the same 2 issues (menu bar losing color and footer color disappearing) on IE version 10.

    I’ve managed to fix the menu issue (as well as a couple other funky things that were happening with my layout) but I haven’t thus far been able to get the footer to show up at all (and not just the color….the whole footer widget area is missing in IE10)

    Firefox, chrome, and safari are all displaying correctly.

    Hope you found a fix!

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