Call to Action

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  • #22637

    Hi, Iwould like to know whetehr instead of dowload now I van have join our community section in this part
    Also I have created e call to action section, but the image does not show Can you help me with this as well please, and as you can see i have a CTA, but instead of this can i add social media icons to redirect visitors to social media pages.

    Thanks in advance

    Daniel Tara

    I have explained how to add a background image in this topic. You can add any link to the CTA button, as explained in this tutorial under the Adding the “Download Now” Call to Action section. You can add external links to social media pages though social media icons are not supported. You can use a plugin like Font Awesome Icons to add social media icons.


    Thank you for replying, i will play around with this and try to figure it out.. Great Theme BTW.

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