Category grid view

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  • #15884

    I am using Esplanade team and first of all THANK YOU for a perfect theme for me (presenting products without selling them). Because of this purpose, i like the grid view for this. Is there any way to implement it while view a category? And can i choose only certain posts to be displayed on the front page? Or from a certain category? (i’m guessing i can, but it’s been 4-5 years since i last used wp and a lot have changed; still love it though :D).

    Thank you!

    Daniel Tara

    Not with Esplanade, but you can do it with Pinboard.


    Pinboard is a little too much. I need something simple, clean and Esplanade it’s perfect. Do you think it’s possible to take the code or from pinboard (and adapt it to the css of esplanade) or to take the code directly from esplanade?

    Daniel Tara

    It’s possible, Pinboard was in fact started with the codebase of Esplanade, but it’s not simple. You’d probably need to hire a developer to do it for you.

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