Custom image as a background in widgets and position of widgets.

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  • #22973

    Hi! I like your theme a lot! Thank you for sharing it for free.
    I have a question.

    I would like to make a background from image, but it can be done only in slider (custom query). I wanted to put image backgrond in
    Home (Static homepage) or Secondary Header Sidebar.

    Next question is, can I change somehow position of widgets? I would like to have Text which I put in Home directly after Slider Sidebar.

    Daniel Tara

    If you are running the latest version of the theme it is possible to assign a background image to any sidebar. Under Appearance → Theme Options → Sidebars select “Edit Sidebar” next to the name of the sidebar you want to assign a background image to and under background options select the background image.

    I assume you put the slider in the sidebar location called “Full screen”. Right below this sidebar you have another sidebar location called “Header”. If this is confusing for you maybe this article will help.

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