Disabling the lightbox

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  • #5211

    Hi, First off this is such a great theme and kudos to you for this! 🙂

    I was trying to disable the existing lightbox but didn’t find any options for this in the WordPress backend. Any idea how do I do this?

    Daniel Tara

    There’s an option for that. Under Appearance > Theme Options > General you have a checkbox “Open links to images in a lightbox”



    I’ve just tried looking for the “Open links to images in a lightbox” checkbox in the place where you said but I cannot find it anywhere! I have been looking in the media section in settings, but still cannot find anything.

    Also, when inserting a gallery I had the problem of the duplicates appearing, so deleted the gallery from the post. This solved the problem but deleted the second duplicate gallery which was the one I preferred. How do I keep that one but delete the lightbox gallery?

    Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks.

    Daniel Tara

    You are probably using the gallery post format and the gallery shortcode in the same post. To get rid of the lightbox use only the gallery shortcode without the post format.


    Thats done the trick! Thank you so much.

    I have one more question. I have one image on the slider which opens the gallery. As there is only one image the slider does not expand, is there any way to make the image wider or do any sort of editing to is so that more of it can be seen?


    Daniel Tara

    In style.css for the selector .kwicks .slide change the width to 640px;

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