Display all data on bottom

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  • #13619

    For some time this part does not recognize me as the author and other attributes. The example is:
    Here you can see that there are items that show the date and others things and others no show nothing.

    How I can get all items display all data on all items at the bottom of the articles?



    For me they all look the same and no data is missing at the linked page.

    Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com


    Ok, it’s true, I have not set a good example.
    If you buy these two items. I’ve posted the two items.

    The first one shows the “rel author”, publication date, and tags.

    The second is not seen more than the categories and the author (and the latter because I put a hand).

    In both cases follow the same steps without changing anything, but sometimes shows all data and others do not. You know what’s the problem? Thanks for your patience. And as I am: I have a couple more questions (so sorry) on Pinboard
    Can I make the questions to you?
    Pardon my English, but I’m using Google Translator.

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