Esplanade sidebar on iPad

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  • #13510

    I am using WordPress 3.5.1 and the Esplanade theme, which I really like. I have a static homepage and have a NextGen image slideshow gallery in the top sidebar area. It all looks fine on Safari and Firefox, but on an iPad the gallery flips below the homepage content, leaving a vast gap to the right hand side. Only half of the gallery is appearing, meaning the images are cut in half.

    I understand that the site will look different on mobile devices, but half an image gallery and a vast space does not look good.

    I have created a child theme and have tried inputting various CSS styles that I have read about on forums, but nothing seems to change. What am I doing wrong?

    I am relatively new to WordPress and CSS and am currently feeling my way around – learning as I go – but this one has foxed me completely. Any responses gratefully received – please use layman’s terms!


    Can anyone help me?
    It all looks fine on an iPhone, with the responsive layout acting as I would expect it to. Just not on the iPad – I suspect it’s something to do with the width of the screen as when I drag my browser window to become smaller, I have the same issue – the slideshow effectively is cut off, with just half of the image showing.

    Thanks in advance

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