Featured do not show – why?

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  • #2247

    My homepage: [url=http://www.didasko.dk]Didasko[/url]

    I’ve translated the theme to danish, which works like a charm πŸ™‚

    But on the frontpage where it should show a list of Featured articles, nothing happens.

    I do not understand why, or how to feature an article.

    Featured = Udvalgte (Danish)

    I don’t know how to code in HTML, but I managed to find the code that is involved:

    [quote]<div id=”featured”>
    <?php _e(‘Featured’,’cover-wp’) ?></h3><?php query_posts(“caller_get_posts=1&showposts=3&[b]category_name=”.get_option(‘cover_wp_featured_cat’, ‘Featured’));[/b] $i = 1; ?><?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?><?php $words = 17;
    $content = get_the_excerpt();
    $excerpt = explode(‘ ‘,$content); ?>[/quote]

    The part of the which deals with my issue, is highlighted in bold letters.

    I guess that the command don’t know where to look for articles to feature, or something like that.

    Hope someone can help me


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