Images won't show up in the slider on the homepage.

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  • #7415

    I’ve added posts as “image” and “standard” but the images don’t show up in the slider. They are blank, though they do have the title of the post. What am I doing wrong?


    I am having the same issue – I am not sure how to make the slider to work. I added two post as IMAGE but the they won’t slide…. What is it I am doing wrong ? or not doing at all?


    You need to set a picture in the post as featured image to have it show up on the slider.


    This answer is not complete unfortunately!

    It is not enough to define a featured image for the post, this featuered image MUST be loaded from the mediatheque, even when the imagepicker shows nextgen galleries!

    Only images from the main image depository will be shown in the slider!

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