Link is not rendered on home page

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  • #12003

    Hi, I added a post that contains links to youtube. The post works fine, but the short summary post that appears on the home page does not have working links. The links look like:
    ,but you can’t click on them. How can I fix this?

    Here is a link to my page and you can see the problem on the post listed as “Videos by Graham Cooke”.


    Hi tslawrence,

    the automatic excerpt don’t allow any html tags like links. Instead of using the automatic one, you can write your own excerpt at the author page of the post. There is an option for a dedicated excerpt box. In case you can’t find it, try to click on options on top of the page. You don’t see options? Than you’re on the wrong page. Go to the page where you write the post, the author page.

    Put your links in the excerpt box, like:

    (a href=””)testlink1(/a)(br)
    (a href=””)testlink2(/a)

    And replace the round brackets with square brackets.

    Alexander @

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