menu stopped dropping down/cascading

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  • #12056


    I have a categories menu which was working fine until today. Now the menu items are all showing at the top level, instead of some dropping down from others like children from parents.

    Today I added a google analytics code to my header.php. Google analytics seemed to recognise that this worked, but I suspect it has somehow ruined my menu. I don’t know how to fix it. Can you help?

    If I should put the google analytics code somewhere else instead, can you tell me where and how please?

    Thankyou so much.

    Mrs Jones

    EDIT: I found a solution on another website which has worked. I’d appreciate any opinions about whether this is the best option. I inserted the following code into my custom CSS:


    add_action(‘init’, ‘my_init_method’);


    Apparently it stops the menu from ‘breaking’ when there’s a conflict with a plugin or javascript (from google?) or something. I’m clearly no expert and don’t understand it at all.

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