Meta Widget: Why?

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  • #14796

    Why do I need it? Are there any benefits besides making it easier to log in to your page. I really don’t like it on my site. It’s at the very bottom now, but I want it gone. I do know how to get rid of it, but I’m a newbie at this and want to make sure I’m not getting rid of something that is of benefit. Anyone?


    If you don’t want it then you can remove it.
    Go to your Dashboard>Appearance>Widgets
    There you can find the areas of your website that contain widgets, like the meta one.
    Click on the little arrows in the top right corner and then just drag the widget out, which will remove it.
    You can also drag it to the inactive widgets area, which will allow you to remove a widget, but keep all its settings. In case you want to use it again in the future or just check the design without the widget, but avoid having to redo all settings.

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