No latest comments – latest entries only published, not private

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  • #11711

    Hi there,

    I hope you can help me again. πŸ˜‰

    I’d like to have the latest entrys and the latest comments displayed. I selected these widgets and the search for the header, but only the latest entry is displayed.
    On top of this, it is only one entry displayed (that’s it useless, because the latest entry begins right below it), and only the published one.

    The site will be used by my family members and a lot of entries will be private. So it’s absolutely necessary that published and private entries are displayed, if you are logged in. And if possible – more than one πŸ˜‰

    The latest comment isn’t displayed at all – neither a published nor a private one.
    And the search bar also isn’t displayed.

    Can I tweak anything to get these things displayed on the site?

    Thanks for any ideas

    Daniel Tara

    Can you please post a link, otherwise it’s hard to figure out?

    Daniel Tara

    How exactly do you make a post private? If you don’t publish it it won’t appear in the blog, that’s the way WP works. You have the option to password protect the post and then the title will be visible and clickable but the content won’t be visible until the user enters the password.


    I understand and made a test entry with password protection. This entry is displayed under “Latest entries”. Where can I configure that there are more entries displayed than one?

    Comments aren’t displayed at all in “Latest comments”, no matter whether they are public or not.


    My privacy problem is solved πŸ™‚ I found a plugin called “members only”, now I can publish the entries and my logged-in users can see them, but not the rest of the world – perfect! πŸ™‚

    Remaining problems:
    In the “Latest comments” there are still no comments displayed at all. Even the headline is missing.
    In the “Latest entries” there is only one entry displayes.

    In the settings “Design > Widgets” I entered for both a number of “5” to be displayed, but that doesn’t work.
    If I switch to other themes like “Esplanade”, the latest two are displayed – but also no 5.
    If I switch to “Twenty Eleven”, both works as it should.
    But your theme looks so much greater πŸ˜‰

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