Options missing for creating full-width sliding banner

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  • #21267

    Hi there! I’ve been using WP for years, but this is my first time playing around with your theme. I really love that it saves me a lot of time figuring out grids and positioning and just really lets me focus on getting the meat of the site content.

    I’m working on a website for a family member, and wanted to set up a full-width slider in the banner. I’ve been following your directions (located @ https://www.onedesigns.com/tutorials/enlightenment-documentation-theme-demo-home-page), but noticed that in my own version of Enlightenment, the “Full Width” option for Theme Locations was not there (where you have available and hooked functions). I did everything else. In order:

    1. Created a sidebar entitled “Home Full Width”
    2. Attached it to the “Full Width” area
    3. Created a page with shortcodes (Additional error – the shortcodes show up on the page as if they were text)
    4. Created a Custom Query widget calling Home Full Width and attaching it to that page (just did one for now)
    5. Drank a lot of coffee and wrote this post

    I’m running, I believe, Version 1.13.

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Isachu.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Isachu.

    EDIT: I managed to get the slider to appear, but I still can’t get the shortcodes to work. Should I just use HTML in the page template, or is there a way to make the shortcodes render as code instead of text? Very close to getting this to work!

    EDIT 2: Installed the shortcode plugin. BLEGH. Okay, I guess the only issue I have left is getting rid of the space between the nav and the slider, but I think I can figure that out. Going to leave this up as a public record of my stupidity!

    EDIT 3: Fixed. You can delete this whole post at will πŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Isachu.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Isachu.
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