Options questions. Preview text, different header.

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  • #7834

    I am having trouble with a couple things that seem like they should be simple. First, I would like to have my blog look like the Pinboard sample. i.e the posts in the grid show the first few lines of the blog. Mine look like the Portfolio where there is no text, just the title.

    Secondly, I want to have a different header image on different pages. Is this possible?


    Sorry to disappoint you from the door, but actually there is no “How to setup my site like the Pinboard sample”. It’s a reading through internet, boards, posts and readme.txt that you have to do by your own. Thats what everyonehas to go throught atm. Start and see how far it will take you and come back f you have a specific questions, hoping somebody might be able to help you.

    Secondly, the header image is the same for all pages. Its suppoesed to be the name of the blog, company etc.

    Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com


    I have been reading through the internet etc. I guess my specific question (s) are:
    How do I include the first few lines of text in the grid view of my blog? i.e blog vs portfolio
    Is there a way to have a different header image on different pages. I have seen it on other themes.


    Assuming the “grid view of your blog” is the portfolio than it shows only the headline and the picture. That’s the beauty of the portfolio.

    The second question I tried to answer already in my first response.

    Alexander @ http://www.mouseclick.com

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