Problem with "Popular" section

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  • #1914

    I don’t understand what controls which article(s) will appear under “popular.” Right now I have the same article under “popular” repeated three times. I have made a bunch of posts and there aren’t any comments yet. Will this work itself out as I get comments or do I have some kind of a bug or misconfiguration? I see how to control featured and that headline seems to be just the most recent article. That’s fine but I sure wish 3 different articles would show under popular, even better yet if it was actually the ones that are most popular.


    A side question is whether is a way to make something appear in featured but not headline or vice versa? Again it seems redundant to have an article as the headline and again as the top featured article…



    I have found that when comments are applied to an article it changes which one is displayed in “popular” but it’s always just one article displayed three times so this seems like a bug.

    Daniel Tara

    You can change it to show the most viewed posts from the Theme Options Page


    Thank you that works wonderfully.


    I have been trying to understand the popular feature too. I have just moved to the latest version of this theme and seen the new popular feature but when I look at my page ( the popular box is now missing content. How does it decide what is popular? Based on what time period?

    Daniel Tara

    The popular section by default shows the 3 most commented posts. You can change it from theme options to show the most viewed posts. However, if you don’t have any comments or views, it behaves kinda randomly.

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