Product images with WooCommerce in Esplanade

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  • #4873
    Charlie Button

    Hi there,

    I dont appear to have the featured image option on the product pages. How do i input my featured image?


    @Charlie – Did you figure out how to add the image? I am just getting my site up, and added WooCommerce today. I have the same problem.

    Charlie Button

    Sadly i did.. I spoke to a more techy friend and they said woocommerce would only work with another woo theme. i ended up abandonning Esplanade and adopting wootique which isnt bad (and is free) but i much preferred Esplanade.
    You can see how it worked out on mine here:
    Hope that helps and let me know how you get on!


    I got it to work! Just did a little Google searching. Only had to change line 41 in functions.php. Add ‘product’ to the array:

    original line:
    add_theme_support ( ‘post-thumbnails’, array ( ‘post’ ) );

    edited line:
    add_theme_support (‘post-thumbnails’, array ( ‘post’, ‘product’ ) );

    It seems to be working so far!

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