rendering on mobile

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  • #7805


    i observe following behaviour on iphone4:
    In vertical position the site fills the width, in horizontal position it stays same size and doesnt stretch to the width.
    Is this intentional?
    Because most sites do stretch/shrink to the width when changing orientation of smartphones.


    yes. I’d like to know as well, good question!

    Daniel Tara

    Yes, it’s intentional. Actually it’s intentional for tablets in landscape mode, the same behavior on phones was just a side effect. I didn’t put much care how it looks in landscape mode on phones since I figured not many users use that mode to read.


    when viewing horizontal images turning the phone makes a lot of sense, because they get a lot bigger: fullscreen. As i said, most websites do stretch to the width when changing orientation on smartphpones.
    Now: How can we change that behaviour in pinboard?

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