Static landpage with 4 posts in a grid

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  • #12340

    Hello everyone,

    I’m building a website for a tourist information office with Pinboard theme ( but it’s still under heavy construction).
    I would like to have a static frontpage with a slider on the top and a grid of 4 “static posts” underneath that I can select from existing ones (or maybe creating 4 boxes that look like posts in a grid).
    I created a static page and made it the landing page. The slider is already there.
    What I want to accomplish is a static front page with 4 pins/boxes/posts-in-a-grid inside the content similar to other themes’ front page (like this one: The real blog would be on a secondary page, accessible from menu.
    If I use the boxes plugin, they will appear in all the other pages, which I don’t want, and also, they are not inside the page content, so I get a small blank page under the boxes.
    A workaround could be to use the regular full-width blog page as a the landing page, displaying not all the posts, but only the 4 I want, the others being accessible through the categories in the menu… I don’t know if that’s possible, though.

    Any suggestion is appreciated!


    Hi PLSantaCroce,

    You can try to code a static page with almost every html code you need. Thats what most themes do for a landingpage. Basic html code gives you the oppurtunity to control the look & feel as well as the content and links you need.

    Alexander @


    May I ask a stupid question: Where would you add the html code? I see only the css and php files. And may I also ask what code you would enter in the case of PLSantaCroce?


    When editing the content of the page you can switch the tabs in the editing window on the upper right corner. This is where can add html code.

    If you need help to write the code you should look for freelancers to help you, as this is not a topic for a theme support forum.

    Alexander @


    The reason why I asked this is: how do I get rid of the shadow of the outer container on the outside of the whole frame? see Thanks a lot!


    Hi Alexander,

    that’s exactly what I came out with by myself ( ). But as you said, it’s just BASIC html, being a simple table, with no border. I was looking for something a bit more refined, some nice boxes with contour styled after the theme. Or maybe a way to insert the highlighted posts’ grid on a static page. Look at this that I’ve found: How did he get those two side boxes on a static page? (I am awaiting his reply)

    However I’m starting to like the minimalistic look that my front page got, so it’s not a big issue…



    Hi, I couldn’t find your reply anymore to the box shadow of the wrapper that’s why I just wanted to tell you here: I found the solution to it and thought you might like to get it:
    Insert into your style.css in the theme child:
    #wrapper {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    That’s doing the job! By the way: I like your website! Mine is slowly starting, but it is really hard for me to get what I want: germancenterhouston. org


    Hi cornelia,

    Please try not to highjack other people threads.

    Alexander @

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