My message related to an older version of enlightenment-theme, but the situation is still the same in the actual version ;=(
I found the POT-File enlightenment.pot in the folder themes/enlightenment/languages and translated it to enlightenment_de_DE_formal.pot
when saving the translation as .mo-file, I run into the following errormessages of PoEdit:
"a format specification for argument 1 doesn't exist in 'msgstr"
for the lines 1 – 7
this should be corrected
I then noticed that not all texts were translated, for example “Load more posts” and examined all theme-folders.
So I discovered that there is a second language-file, placed in the folder themes/enlightenment/core/languages
and this languagefile contains an intersection of phrases with that one in the languages-folder
so what???? To me this seems wrong.
Which language file is used? Why are there 2 files?
I would love to give you the german-formal-language-file when I finished the translation but I am not sure which one is the correct one.
This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Webdeern.