Two problems with theme

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  • #19959


    First of all, thanks for a great theme! I really love working with it.

    I have two issues:

    1/ For a page I am not able to overrule the sidebars. When I select [none] for each sidebar and update the page, the default settings get repopulated.

    2/ When adding custom sidebars, adding new ones has some bugs.. bit difficult to explain, but when trying to add a new sidebar, the last already existing sidebar gets overwritten.

    Do these bugs sound familiar?

    Daniel Tara

    1. The “Primary”, “Secondary” and “Navbar” sidebars can be overridden for individual pages. Try using the “Full Width” layout instead.

    2. If you can’t explain them, I can’t solve them. Are you sure you’re you’re saving the sidebar using the “Add Sidebar” button and not the “Save Settings” button?


    Hi, in response to 2, I do not have the ‘Add Sidebar’ button… I see ot for a second, but then it disappears. That’s probably causing the unwanted behavior!

    Daniel Tara

    This tutorial explains in-depth how the sidebars feature works. You can see a screenshot where the “Add Sidebar” button should be. Nothing in the theme makes that button ever disappear. Are you sure you haven’t tweaked with the code or some other plugin doesn’t interfere?


    I think I found the problem.

    I did not find the “Add Sidebar Button” at first, and I finally realize the Adblock plugin is the reason.

    I disable the “Adblock” or “Adblock Plus” and get my button back!

    That is a false positive of adblock plugin…


    Try to disable your adblock plugin and you will find the magic button

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