User registration for comment

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  • #2031


    I would like to ask about the registration process to be able to comment on articles in my site

    It’s funny because for a few times I received and approved comments. However, when it is I who tried to post a comment (of course I logged out of my dashboard), I did not receive any password when I tried to register to make a comment.

    The registration process, as I see it to make a comment in my site, includes filling in a username and email. And then a note says “A password will be e-mailed to you.”

    When I did try to register, I did not receive any password.

    When I clicked on the “Forgot Password” button, and then submit the email address I entered for registration (I tried this a few times for my other email accounts) to get a new password, the message is:

    “The e-mail could not be sent.
    Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function…”

    So, may Iknow how this works, and may I know what I am doing wrong?

    Thank you.


    Daniel Tara

    This is definitely not a theme related issue and I don’t think it’s a WordPress related issue either.

    I tried to register at your website and got the message “Registration complete. Please check your e-mail.” didn’t get the email yet though. What I’m thinking is that your hosting company blocks sending emails to the same domain.


    Oh. I am using GoDaddy. Could that be it?

    I will send an email to GoDaddy’s support. Thank you. However, please don’t mind if I continue to bug you with such questions.


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